Pistol Squat High Box

Muscles Involved

The pistol squat high box is a challenging single-leg exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. The quadriceps, located at the front of the thigh, are responsible for knee extension, while the glutes engage to stabilize the hip joint and assist in movement. Additionally, the hamstrings play a crucial role in balance and control during the squat. Secondary muscles involved include the calves, which help with ankle stability, and the core muscles, which are engaged to maintain balance and support the spine throughout the movement.

Top Mistakes

  • Not going low enough: Many individuals fail to squat low enough, limiting the effectiveness of the exercise. Aim to lower yourself until the hip crease is below the knee.
  • Losing balance: Commonly, people lean too far forward, which can compromise stability. Keep your chest up and your weight centered over the standing foot.
  • Neglecting the non-working leg: The extended leg should be actively engaged rather than just hanging. Keep it extended in front to help with balance.

Execution Tips

  • Start on a high box: Begin with a box at a height that allows you to comfortably reach the bottom of the squat, gradually lowering it as you gain strength and flexibility.
  • Focus on form: Ensure your standing leg is shoulder-width apart for maximum stability, and keep your foot flat on the ground.
  • Engage your core: Brace your abdominal muscles throughout the movement to maintain balance and support your spine.


The pistol squat high box can be integrated into your workout routine in various ways. Consider performing 3-4 sets of 6-10 repetitions on each leg, depending on your level of experience. It can be an excellent addition to a leg day workout, paired with other exercises such as traditional squats, lunges, and step-ups for comprehensive lower body training. Additionally, incorporating plyometric movements like box jumps can enhance explosiveness and strength in the lower body.


The pistol squat high box is a versatile and highly effective exercise that enhances lower body strength, power, and stability. By engaging multiple muscle groups, it promotes functional movement patterns and can significantly improve balance and coordination. Regularly incorporating this exercise into your routine can lead to improved athletic performance and overall fitness levels.

Pistol Squat High Box Workouts

Week 2

5 days
8 exercises per day


2 days
9 exercises per day

Lamis Bahaeldin

3 days
5 exercises per day

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