Squat Back Wrong

Muscles Involved

The "squat back wrong" exercise predominantly targets the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, making it a potent lower-body workout. These primary muscles are engaged as you squat down and lift your body back up. Additionally, the lower back and core muscles are worked as stabilizers throughout the movement, ensuring balance and control. This exercise also activates secondary muscle groups like the calves and hip flexors, supporting overall strength and mobility. Engaging multiple muscle groups not only enhances functional strength but also contributes to a more toned physique.

Top Mistakes

  • Allowing knees to extend beyond the toes, which increases stress on the knee joint.
  • Leaning too far forward, compromising back position and risking strain or injury.
  • Not engaging the core, leading to instability and improper weight distribution.
  • Performing shallow squats that limit muscle engagement and effectiveness.

Execution Tips

  • Begin with feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly turned out for better stability.
  • Initiate the squat by pushing your hips back while keeping your chest lifted and back straight.
  • Lower your body until thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below, maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Engage your core throughout the movement to keep your torso stable.
  • Drive through your heels as you rise, ensuring your knees stay behind your toes to maintain proper alignment.


The "squat back wrong" exercise can be integrated into a strength training routine effectively. Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions, resting for 1-2 minutes between sets to allow for recovery. It can be combined with other lower-body exercises such as lunges, deadlifts, and leg presses to maximize muscle engagement and promote overall leg strength. Consider using resistance bands or weights to increase intensity as your strength improves.


In conclusion, the "squat back wrong" exercise is an essential component of any lower-body workout regimen, offering numerous benefits like increased leg strength, improved flexibility, and enhanced overall core stability. By focusing on proper form and technique, one can avoid common mistakes and amplify the effectiveness of this exercise, leading to more significant fitness gains.

Squat Back Wrong Workouts

Week 2

5 days
8 exercises per day

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