Incline Close Grip Press

Muscles Involved

The incline close grip press primarily targets the chest, specifically the upper pectoral muscles, due to the incline positioning. The close grip aspect engages the triceps more intensely compared to traditional presses, making them a key secondary muscle group worked in this exercise. Additionally, the anterior deltoids (front shoulders) play a role in the movement, providing assistance and stability. Overall, this exercise not only strengthens these muscle groups but also promotes muscle growth and balance in the upper body.

Top Mistakes

  • Incorrect Grip Width: Using a grip that is too wide can shift focus away from the triceps and diminish the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Improper Elbow Position: Allowing elbows to flare out excessively puts undue stress on the shoulder joints and reduces the activation of the upper chest.
  • Using Too Much Weight: Attempting to lift weights that are too heavy can compromise form, leading to injury and ineffective workouts.

Execution Tips

  • Grip: Maintain a narrow grip, ideally shoulder-width apart or closer, to emphasize triceps and upper chest engagement.
  • Body Position: Lie back on an incline bench set at a 30 to 45-degree angle, keeping your feet flat on the ground for stability.
  • Movement Technique: Lower the weights to your upper chest while keeping your elbows close to your sides, then press upwards until your arms are fully extended without locking the elbows.
  • Breathing: Exhale during the pressing phase and inhale while lowering the weights, promoting core stability and control.


The incline close grip press can be effectively integrated into a comprehensive upper body workout routine. Aim for 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps, focusing on maintaining proper form throughout each repetition. This exercise pairs well with isolated triceps work such as triceps pushdowns or skull crushers, and other pressing movements like bench presses or shoulder presses to create a balanced upper body regimen. For best results, include this exercise once or twice a week, allowing adequate recovery time.


The incline close grip press is a powerful exercise that not only builds strength in the upper pectorals and triceps but also enhances overall upper body stability and muscle definition. By avoiding common execution errors and focusing on proper form, exercisers can harness the full benefits of this effective movement, making it a valuable addition to their workout routine.

Incline Close Grip Press Workouts

Miladi workout plan

4 days
6 exercises per day


1 days
5 exercises per day


1 days
6 exercises per day


1 days
6 exercises per day

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