Dumbbell Concentration Biceps Curl

Muscles Involved

The Dumbbell Concentration Biceps Curl primarily targets the biceps brachii, the muscle located at the front of the upper arm. This exercise is particularly effective at isolating the biceps due to its seated position and concentrated movement. Additional muscles engaged during the curl include:

  • Brachialis
  • Brachioradialis
  • Forearm muscles

Top Mistakes

A few common mistakes can undermine the effectiveness of the Dumbbell Concentration Biceps Curl. Avoid the following:

  • Using momentum to lift the weight, which diminishes muscle engagement.
  • Allowing the elbow to drift away from the body, reducing isolation of the biceps.
  • Not fully extending or contracting the arm during the movement, limiting muscle activation.
  • Choosing a weight that's too heavy, leading to poor form and increasing the risk of injury.

Execution Tips

To perform the Dumbbell Concentration Biceps Curl correctly, follow these execution tips for optimal results:

  • Start by sitting on a bench or chair with your legs spread apart, positioning a dumbbell in one hand.
  • Rest your elbow against the inner thigh of the same side, ensuring a sturdy base.
  • With your palm facing upward, curl the dumbbell towards your shoulder, fully engaging the bicep muscle.
  • Control the weight back down to the starting position, maintaining tension on the muscle throughout the movement.
  • Focus on slow and deliberate movements, avoiding jerks or swings to prevent using momentum.


Incorporating Dumbbell Concentration Biceps Curls into your workout routine can enhance your upper body strength. Here’s a sample workout plan:

  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps for each arm.
  • Superset with Hammer Curls to engage different aspects of the bicep.
  • Include bent-over rows and tricep extensions to balance the arm workout.


The Dumbbell Concentration Biceps Curl is a highly effective exercise for developing the biceps. By focusing on proper form and avoiding common mistakes, you'll maximize muscle engagement and strength gains. Remember to pair this exercise with a balanced routine to ensure overall arm development.

Dumbbell Concentration Biceps Curl Workouts

Strong neg 2024

5 days
8 exercises per day

Carl Workout

5 days
5 exercises per day

Fullbody clone

7 days
5 exercises per day


5 days
5 exercises per day


4 days
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Regular Week

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5 exercises per day

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5 exercises per day


6 days
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