Barbell Curl

Muscles Involved

The barbell curl primarily targets the biceps brachii, which includes both the long and short heads. This muscle is essential for arm flexion and is prominently visible during arm movements. Additionally, the exercise engages the brachialis, a muscle located underneath the biceps, which contributes to overall arm width and strength. Secondary muscles involved include the brachioradialis, which assists in elbow flexion, and the muscles of the shoulders and forearms to stabilize the movement.

Top Mistakes

  • Using Momentum: Swinging the barbell can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and increase the risk of injury. Focus on controlled movements.
  • Incorrect Grip: Holding the bar too wide or too narrow can lead to discomfort and ineffective training. Your grip should be shoulder-width apart.
  • Neglecting Posture: Leaning back or forward can strain your back. Maintain a straight posture to ensure proper form.
  • Overextending Elbows: Fully extending your arms at the bottom of the curl can place undue stress on the elbow joints. Stop just short of full extension.

Execution Tips

  • Start Position: Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell resting at thigh level, palms facing up.
  • Movement: Slowly lift the barbell towards your shoulders while keeping your elbows close to your sides. Avoid lifting your elbows as you curl.
  • Control and Tempo: Use a controlled motion throughout the exercise, taking about two seconds to raise the barbell and three seconds to lower it, ensuring tension on the muscles.
  • Breathing: Exhale during the lift and inhale as you lower the barbell back to the starting position.


The barbell curl can be effectively integrated into an upper body or arm-focused workout routine. A common approach is to perform 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Pairing this exercise with complementary movements such as tricep extensions or shoulder presses can create an effective arm-focused workout. For balanced muscle engagement, you might consider alternating barbell curls with exercises targeting the triceps or incorporating compound movements like bench presses or rows.


The barbell curl is a foundational exercise for building arm strength and muscle definition, specifically targeting the biceps and supporting muscles. By avoiding common mistakes, adhering to proper form, and consistently integrating this exercise into your routine, you can significantly enhance your arm development and overall upper body strength. With dedicated practice, you’ll see improvements not only in muscle size but also in functional strength, making the barbell curl a valuable addition to any fitness regimen.

Barbell Curl Workouts

Week 1

2 days
5 exercises per day


5 days
8 exercises per day


5 days
8 exercises per day


2 days
5 exercises per day

Upper Body

4 days
7 exercises per day

boss workout

5 days
6 exercises per day

Set A

4 days
9 exercises per day

upper body

3 days
5 exercises per day

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