Dumbbell Bent Over Curl

Muscles Involved

The dumbbell bent over curl primarily targets the biceps brachii, particularly the long head, effectively isolating this muscle to enhance growth and strength. Additionally, it engages the brachialis and brachioradialis, which contribute to elbow flexion and overall arm aesthetics. The back muscles, particularly the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and erector spinae, are also involved in stabilizing the torso during the movement, promoting muscular endurance and balance.

Top Mistakes

  • Incorrect Bend: Not bending sufficiently at the hips can lead to poor form and less effective targeting of the biceps.
  • Rounding the Back: A rounded spine can cause injury; maintaining a neutral spine is crucial for safety.
  • Using Excessive Weight: Lifting weights that are too heavy can compromise form, leading to swinging motions rather than controlled curls.
  • Neglecting Elbow Position: Allowing the elbows to drift too far forward or backward reduces the effectiveness of the curl.

Execution Tips

  • Stance: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing your body.
  • Hinge Forward: Bend at the hips, pushing your glutes back, while maintaining a flat back and keeping your core engaged.
  • Elbow Fixation: Keep your elbows close to your sides and locked in place throughout the movement.
  • Controlled Movement: Curl the dumbbells upwards toward your shoulders with a slow, controlled motion, then lower back down to the starting position.


To incorporate the dumbbell bent over curl into a workout regimen, aim for 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, adjusting the weight so that the last few repetitions are challenging but doable. Pair the exercise with complementary movements such as rows or pull-ups to enhance upper body strength. Incorporating rest periods of 30 to 60 seconds between sets will also help maintain form and intensity.


The dumbbell bent over curl is an effective exercise that not only focuses on bicep strength but also aids in back muscle stability and overall fitness. By maintaining proper form and being mindful of common mistakes, individuals can maximize their results, leading to improved muscle tone, strength, and functional movement in their workout routines.

Dumbbell Bent Over Curl Workouts

1/20 | 1/22 | 1/24

3 days
9 exercises per day

Full Body

3 days
7 exercises per day


4 days
5 exercises per day


3 days
6 exercises per day

Basic Full Body

3 days
6 exercises per day

Baby's first workout

3 days
5 exercises per day

no legs

3 days
6 exercises per day


3 days
5 exercises per day

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