Inner Bicep Curl

Muscles Involved

The inner bicep curl primarily targets the biceps brachii, specifically emphasizing the short head of the muscle that runs along the inner part of the upper arm. This curl variation also engages the brachialis, which lies underneath the biceps, contributing to arm thickness and strength. Secondary muscles involved include the brachioradialis in the forearm, helping with the stabilizing aspect of the curl, and the deltoids for shoulder stabilization.

Top Mistakes

  • Using momentum: Swinging the weights rather than curling them can lead to injury and ineffectiveness.
  • Inadequate range of motion: Failing to fully extend or contract the arm limits muscle engagement.
  • Improper grip: Holding the weights too tightly or too loosely can disrupt form and carry over into shoulder or wrist issues.
  • Incorrect elbow positioning: Allowing the elbows to drift outward rather than keeping them close to the torso affects the exercise's effectiveness.

Execution Tips

  • Start position: Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with an underhand grip (palms facing up).
  • Elbow alignment: Keep your elbows tucked against your body to isolate the inner biceps effectively.
  • Movement control: Curl the weights towards your shoulders in a smooth, controlled motion, focusing on activating the biceps without swinging your body.
  • Peak contraction: Squeeze at the top of the curl before lowering the weights slowly to maximize time under tension.


The inner bicep curl can be an effective addition to your upper body workout routine. Aim for 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps, adjusting the weight to maintain proper form throughout. This exercise pairs well with other complementary movements such as the hammer curl for comprehensive bicep engagement or tricep extensions to focus on the opposing muscle group. Including compound movements such as push-ups or bench presses can also enhance overall arm definition and strength.


Incorporating the inner bicep curl into your fitness regimen offers numerous benefits, including improved bicep strength, enhanced muscle definition, and balanced arm development. This targeted exercise not only promotes greater muscle growth but also aids in the functional strength necessary for everyday activities. By adhering to proper form and technique, you can effectively isolate the biceps while minimizing the risk of injury, making it a valuable addition to any workout plan.

Inner Bicep Curl Workouts


5 days
6 exercises per day


6 days
9 exercises per day

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