Cossack Squat

Muscles Involved

The cossack squat is a dynamic exercise that primarily targets the lower body, focusing on the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. While performing this squat variation, the adductors (inner thigh muscles) are heavily engaged as you shift your body weight side to side. Additionally, the core is activated to maintain stability, contributing to improved balance and overall core strength. With the lateral movement involved, the cossack squat also helps in increasing flexibility in the hip, knee, and ankle joints.

Top Mistakes

  • Failing to maintain an upright torso, leading to forward lean and potential strain on the back.
  • Not engaging core muscles, which can result in loss of balance and improper form.
  • Allowing the knee of the squatting leg to cave inward instead of tracking over the toes.
  • Incomplete range of motion; performing shallow squats without fully engaging the targeted muscles.

Execution Tips

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Initiate the movement by bending one knee and shifting your weight to that side, while keeping the opposite leg straight.
  • Ensure your torso remains as upright as possible throughout the motion, avoiding any forward lean.
  • Keep your core engaged to maintain stability and allow your knee to stay aligned with your toes.
  • Lower yourself until your thigh is parallel to the ground or as far as your flexibility allows, then push through the heel of the squatting leg to return to the starting position.


The cossack squat can be effectively incorporated into various workout routines, particularly those focused on lower body strength or functional fitness. A suggested format could involve three sets of 8-12 repetitions per side, allowing adequate rest between sets. To enhance the workout, consider pairing the cossack squat with complementary exercises such as lunges, lateral leg raises, or bodyweight squats. For added intensity, incorporate resistance bands or dumbbells to challenge yourself further and engage more muscles.


The cossack squat is a versatile and functional exercise that not only builds strength in the lower body but also enhances flexibility and balance. Its effectiveness in engaging multiple muscle groups makes it an excellent addition to any fitness regimen. By practicing proper form and avoiding common mistakes, you can reap the full benefits of this unique squat variation, ultimately leading to improved athletic performance and injury prevention.

Cossack Squat Workouts

Week 1(Gateway Workout)

3 days
9 exercises per day

Week 2

5 days
8 exercises per day

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