Cable Overhead Curl


The Cable Overhead Curl is an innovative exercise designed to enhance the development of the biceps and forearms while providing a unique angle of resistance. Using a cable machine allows for a consistent tension throughout the movement, which can lead to better hypertrophy and strength gains. This exercise predominantly targets the biceps brachii, while also engaging the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, essential for complete arm development.

Muscles Involved

  • Biceps Brachii
  • Brachialis
  • Brachioradialis
  • Shoulder Stabilizers

Top Mistakes

  • Using excessive weight, which compromises form and can lead to injury.
  • Not fully extending the arms at the bottom of the movement.
  • Rounding the shoulders or leaning back excessively, which takes stress off the biceps.
  • Not maintaining control during both the concentric and eccentric phases.

Execution Tips

  • Adjust the cable pulley to a low position and select an appropriate weight that allows for controlled movements.
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold the cable handle with both hands, ensuring a neutral grip.
  • Lift the cable handle overhead while keeping your elbows close to your head; avoid flaring out your elbows.
  • Focus on squeezing your biceps at the top of the curl, and gradually lower the weight back to the starting position, maintaining control.
  • Engage your core to ensure that your back remains straight throughout the exercise.

Sample Workouts

  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps of Cable Overhead Curls at the beginning of an arm day.
  • Incorporate the exercise into a superset with tricep pushdowns to fully engage your arms.
  • Include it as part of a full upper body routine, combining it with other isolation exercises and compound lifts.


The Cable Overhead Curl is a fantastic addition to any arm training routine, particularly for those looking to develop their biceps from a different angle. By focusing on form, avoiding common mistakes, and integrating this exercise into a well-rounded workout plan, fitness enthusiasts can see improved strength, mass, and definition in their arms. Remember to listen to your body and progressively adjust weight and repetitions to continue making gains. Happy lifting!

Cable Overhead Curl Workouts


5 days
7 exercises per day


5 days
7 exercises per day


6 days
5 exercises per day


5 days
7 exercises per day

7 days full body

7 days
5 exercises per day


3 days
5 exercises per day

Arms and chest

2 days
5 exercises per day


4 days
5 exercises per day

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