Behind The Back Biceps Stretches

Muscles Involved

The "behind the back biceps stretch" primarily targets the biceps brachii, stretching it through the shoulder and elbow joint. The exercise also engages secondary muscles such as the shoulders, particularly the anterior deltoids, as well as the forearm muscles and the pectoralis major. This stretch is effective for enhancing flexibility and increasing blood flow to the targeted muscles, promoting better performance in various upper body exercises.

Top Mistakes

  • Failing to maintain proper posture: Many individuals round their shoulders or arch their backs, which can lead to ineffective stretching and potential injury.
  • Overextending: Some may push their arms too far behind their back, which can cause strain in the shoulders or lower back.
  • Holding the breath: Forgetting to breathe during the stretch can increase tension in the body and reduce its effectiveness.

Execution Tips

  • Begin by standing or sitting tall with your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
  • Reach both arms behind your back, interlock your fingers or grasp your wrist to create a secure grip.
  • Gently pull your arms away from your body while keeping your elbows slightly bent to avoid hyperextension.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and avoid arching your back as you stretch; focus on pulling your shoulders back and down.
  • Breath deeply and evenly to release tension as you hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, repeating it as needed.


The behind the back biceps stretch can be effectively integrated into a workout routine as a warm-up to prep the muscles or as a post-workout stretch to improve recovery. Performing the stretch after every workout can greatly enhance flexibility and range of motion. Aim for 2-3 sets of 15-30 seconds of the stretch, ideally after exercises such as chin-ups, bicep curls, or other upper body movements targeting the arms. This practice can help maintain muscle elasticity and prevent stiffness.


Incorporating the behind the back biceps stretch into your fitness regimen offers numerous benefits, including improved flexibility, enhanced performance in upper body exercises, and prevention of potential injury. This simple yet effective movement not only stretches the primary muscles involved but also promotes overall shoulder mobility. Commit to this stretch, and witness the positive impact it can have on your workouts and daily activities.

Behind The Back Biceps Stretches Workouts

arm + core trial workout

5 days
9 exercises per day

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