Barbell Wrist Curl

Muscles Involved

The barbell wrist curl is a targeted exercise primarily designed to strengthen the forearm muscles. The main muscles involved in this movement are the flexor carpi radialis and the flexor carpi ulnaris, which are responsible for wrist flexion. Additionally, this exercise engages the palmaris longus and the brachioradialis, which assist in stabilizing the movement. Secondary muscles that benefit from this exercise include the pronator teres and various muscles of the hand that support grip strength.

Top Mistakes

  • Incorrect Wrist Position: Allowing the wrists to bend or collapse during the lift can lead to strain and reduced effectiveness.
  • Using Excessive Weight: Lifting too heavy can cause poor form and increase the risk of injury.
  • Moving Too Quickly: Performing the exercise too fast reduces the time under tension, diminishing the benefits of muscle engagement.
  • Neglecting Full Range of Motion: Incomplete motions limit muscle activation and overall strengthening.

Execution Tips

  • Set Up Properly: Begin seated at a bench, holding the barbell with an underhand grip. Your forearms should rest on your thighs with your wrists hanging off the edge.
  • Maintain Neutral Wrists: Ensure your wrists stay straight and aligned with your forearms during the curl to avoid injury.
  • Use Controlled Movements: Exert a slow, controlled upward curl followed by a gradual return, taking care to engage your forearms throughout.
  • Focus on Breathing: Exhale on the upward lift and inhale while returning to the starting position to maintain rhythm and stability.


The barbell wrist curl can be integrated into your workout routine as follows: perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. To complement this exercise, consider pairing it with other forearm and grip-strengthening movements such as hammer curls, reverse wrist curls, or farmer's walks to achieve comprehensive arm conditioning. Ensure to allow adequate rest between sets for optimal muscle recovery.


The barbell wrist curl serves as a vital exercise for developing forearm strength and grip power, both of which are essential for various physical activities and sports. By correctly executing this movement with proper form and technique, individuals can enhance their overall upper body strength, reduce the risk of injury, and improve performance in other weightlifting exercises.

Barbell Wrist Curl Workouts

Set Iso

1 days
9 exercises per day


4 days
7 exercises per day

Back/Biceps 1

1 days
8 exercises per day

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