Dumbbell Wrist Extension

Muscles Involved

The dumbbell wrist extension primarily targets the forearm muscles, particularly the extensor carpi radialis and the extensor carpi ulnaris. These muscles are responsible for the extension and abduction of the wrist. Secondary muscles include the extensor digitorum and the brachioradialis, which assist in wrist movement and stabilization. Strengthening these muscles is essential for improving grip strength and enhancing overall forearm definition.

Top Mistakes

  • Using Too Much Weight: Attempting to lift weights that are too heavy can compromise form and lead to injury.
  • Improper Wrist Position: Allowing the wrist to sag or overly flex can diminish the effectiveness of the exercise and strain the joint.
  • Lack of Control: Performing the movement too quickly can reduce tension on the target muscles, hindering strength development.

Execution Tips

  • Start with a Light Weight: Begin with a manageable weight to master the technique before progressing.
  • Maintain a Straight Wrist: Keep your wrist in line with your forearm throughout the movement to prevent strain.
  • Use Slow, Controlled Movements: Raise and lower the dumbbell with deliberation, focusing on the contraction of the forearm muscles.
  • Engage Your Core: Keep your core muscles tight to provide stability during the exercise.


Incorporating dumbbell wrist extensions into your workout routine can significantly improve forearm strength and grip. A good approach is to perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Pair this exercise with complementary movements like wrist curls and reverse wrist curls for a balanced forearm workout. Additionally, incorporating grip-focused exercises like farmer's walks or dead hangs can enhance forearm endurance and strength.


The dumbbell wrist extension is a highly beneficial exercise for developing the forearm muscles, which are crucial for grip strength and overall functional fitness. By understanding the muscles involved, avoiding common mistakes, and maintaining proper form, you can effectively incorporate this exercise into your routine. Regular practice of dumbbell wrist extensions will lead to stronger wrists, improved performance in other lifts, and better overall hand functionality in daily activities.

Dumbbell Wrist Extension Workouts

Braços Domingo

1 days
9 exercises per day


5 days
6 exercises per day


1 days
9 exercises per day

Sum Mwer 25

3 days
6 exercises per day


1 days
9 exercises per day


5 days
6 exercises per day


5 days
6 exercises per day


1 days
9 exercises per day

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