Smith Machine Shrug

Muscles Involved

The Smith machine shrug primarily targets the trapezius muscles, which are crucial for shoulder stability and neck support. Additionally, this exercise also engages the levator scapulae and the rhomboids. The upper trapezius is the main muscle worked during the shrug, responsible for elevating the shoulders. By using the Smith machine, the movement becomes more controlled, allowing for focused tension on these muscles, while helping to stabilize the weight throughout the exercise.

Top Mistakes

  • Excessive Weight: Lifting too much weight can compromise form and lead to injury.
  • Using Arms Instead of Shoulders: Focusing on lifting the weights with your arms rather than solely engaging the trapezius.
  • Incomplete Range of Motion: Only elevating the shoulders partially instead of fully engaging the muscle by bringing them up as high as possible.
  • Misaligned Body Position: Standing too far away or too close to the bar can lead to ineffective engagement and strain on the body.

Execution Tips

  • Feet Position: Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet firmly grounded to ensure stability.
  • Grip: Use an overhand grip at shoulder-width on the bar. Your elbows should be locked at your sides.
  • Shoulder Movement: Raise your shoulders towards your ears in a controlled manner, squeezing the traps at the top before lowering back down.
  • Maintain Posture: Keep your back straight and avoid leaning forward or backward to prevent strain.


The Smith machine shrug can be effectively incorporated into your upper body workout routine. A standard recommendation is to perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. You can combine it with other exercises targeting the trapezius, such as deadlifts or overhead presses, for a full upper body workout. Performing the shrug at the end of your routine will help fully exhaust the muscles while also aiding shoulder stabilization.


The Smith machine shrug is a valuable addition to any strength training regimen focused on shoulder development and upper back strength. By promoting better posture and muscular endurance in the traps, this exercise not only enhances your overall physique but also contributes to a more robust upper body, reducing the risk of injury. With proper execution and integration into your workouts, the Smith machine shrug can significantly improve muscle definition and stability.

Smith Machine Shrug Workouts


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