Machine Triceps Extension

Machine Triceps Extension Exercise

The Machine Triceps Extension is a popular exercise primarily designed to strengthen and develop the triceps muscles located on the back of the upper arm. By isolating these muscles, this exercise promotes muscle hypertrophy, increases upper body strength, and enhances overall arm aesthetics. In addition, secondary muscles such as the anterior deltoids and the pectoralis major are engaged during the movement, making it a compound exercise that fortifies the entire arm structure.

Muscles Involved

  • Triceps Brachii (long, lateral, and medial heads)
  • Anterior Deltoids
  • Pectoralis Major

Top Mistakes

  • Using too much weight, leading to jerky movements
  • Failing to maintain proper posture, resulting in back strain
  • Neglecting full range of motion, which limits muscle engagement
  • Rounding the shoulders instead of keeping them retracted
  • Using momentum to lift the weight rather than focusing on muscle contraction

Execution Tips

To maximize the effectiveness of the Machine Triceps Extension, consider the following execution tips:

  • Adjust the seat height so that the handles align with your upper arms when seated.
  • Keep your back flat against the backrest and shoulders retracted throughout the movement.
  • Grip the handles firmly, with your elbows close to your body.
  • Extend your arms fully while maintaining control, avoiding any locking of the elbows at the top.
  • Lower the weight in a slow and controlled manner to engage the triceps fully.


The Machine Triceps Extension can be incorporated into various workout routines. It's ideal for targeting specific arm days or can serve as a great finishing move for upper body sessions. For balanced development, pair it with exercises like:

  • Bench Press for chest
  • Pull-Ups for back
  • Bicep Curls for opposing muscle balance


The Machine Triceps Extension offers a focused way to build strength in the triceps and improve overall arm definition. By executing the exercise with proper form and avoiding common mistakes, individuals can reap the benefits of enhanced muscle growth and functional strength. By integrating this exercise into a well-rounded fitness regimen, you'll boost your upper body capabilities and contribute to a more sculpted physique.

Machine Triceps Extension Workouts

The Plan

2 days
6 exercises per day


6 days
5 exercises per day


4 days
8 exercises per day

lose it !

5 days
5 exercises per day


5 days
5 exercises per day

Josh 7x4

4 days
7 exercises per day

Test 1

3 days
6 exercises per day

Weight loss workout

4 days
6 exercises per day

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