Lying Leg Raise

Muscles Involved

The lying leg raise primarily targets the rectus abdominis, which is the muscle responsible for the "six-pack" appearance. Additional activation occurs in the hip flexors, including the iliopsoas and rectus femoris. These muscles work together to lift the legs from the ground, stabilizing the core throughout the movement. The secondary muscles involved include the obliques, which help in maintaining balance and control, and the lower back muscles, which assist in supporting the spine during the exercise.

Top Mistakes

  • Inadequate lower back support: Not maintaining a neutral spine can lead to strain on the lower back.
  • Rapid movements: Performing leg raises too quickly can reduce effectiveness and increase the risk of injury.
  • Excessive leg height: Lifting the legs too high may compromise form, leading to a loss of tension in the core muscles.
  • Holding breath: Forgetting to breathe during the exercise can increase tension and reduce oxygen flow.

Execution Tips

  • Start lying flat on your back, with your legs extended and arms at your sides or underneath your pelvis for added support.
  • Engage your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine before initiating the movement.
  • Slowly lift your legs to a 45-degree angle, keeping them straight and avoiding any jerking motions.
  • Lower your legs back down without touching the ground, maintaining tension in your abdominal muscles throughout the descent.
  • Exhale as you lift and inhale as you lower your legs to maintain proper breathing rhythm.


The lying leg raise can be seamlessly incorporated into a workout routine targeting core strength. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions, ensuring adequate rest between sets. As a complementary exercise, consider pairing it with planks for core stability or bicycle crunches to target the obliques. Adding variations such as bent-knee leg raises or incorporating a resistance band can also enhance the workout and provide additional challenges.


The lying leg raise is an effective core-strengthening exercise that not only helps to sculpt the abdominal muscles but also improves overall stability and supports functional movement. By focusing on proper form and integrating it into a well-rounded workout regimen, individuals can experience significant benefits in their core strength, posture, and athletic performance.

Lying Leg Raise Workouts

Beginner 3x a week

3 days
5 exercises per day

Upper muscle gain

5 days
9 exercises per day

Bella's Workout

7 days
5 exercises per day

Month One

5 days
5 exercises per day


3 days
9 exercises per day


7 days
5 exercises per day

3 day

3 days
9 exercises per day


1 days
5 exercises per day

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