Lat Pulldown Reverse Shrug

Muscles Involved

The lat pulldown reverse shrug primarily targets the latissimus dorsi, which is responsible for the pulling motion and helps in the extension and adduction of the shoulder joint. Secondary muscles engaged during this exercise include the trapezius, rhomboids, supraspinatus, and the biceps brachii. The reverse shrug also activates the lower trapezius fibers, which assist in stabilizing the scapulae, thereby reinforcing shoulder strength and stability.

Top Mistakes

  • Inadequate Range of Motion: Failing to pull the bar down sufficiently or not lowering the shoulders in the reverse shrug can limit effectiveness.
  • Poor Posture: Arching the back or leaning too far forward can place unnecessary stress on the spine and reduce muscle engagement.
  • Overusing the Arms: Relying too heavily on arm strength instead of engaging the back muscles can diminish the workout's benefits.

Execution Tips

  • Set Up Correctly: Begin by adjusting the pulldown machine to ensure the bar is at chin height, with your knees secured under the padding.
  • Grip the Bar: Use a shoulder-width overhand grip. Your wrists should be neutral, and elbows pinned close to your body.
  • Focus on Engagement: As you pull the bar down, consciously engage your lats by driving your elbows downward and retracting your shoulder blades.


Incorporate the lat pulldown reverse shrug into your upper body routine, ideally following compound exercises like pull-ups or bent-over rows. A beneficial structure could be:

  • Sets: 3-4 sets
  • Reps: 10-15 repetitions
  • Couple With: Superset with face pulls or bent-over reverse flyes to enhance shoulder stability and upper back strength.


The lat pulldown reverse shrug is an exceptional exercise for developing upper body strength and posture. By effectively engaging the lower trapezius and other key muscles, it not only enhances pulling power but also promotes better shoulder mechanics, contributing to overall athletic performance and injury prevention. Adding this exercise to your regimen can lead to improved muscle balance and a stronger back.

Lat Pulldown Reverse Shrug Workouts


2 days
6 exercises per day

Period 1

6 days
6 exercises per day


5 days
7 exercises per day

upper bod machine

3 days
7 exercises per day

New year

5 days
7 exercises per day

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