Ez Barbell Spider Curl

Muscles Involved

The EZ barbell spider curl primarily targets the biceps brachii, specifically focusing on the long head of the bicep, which provides that impressive peak definition. This unique angle of exercise allows for a greater stretch and contraction of the biceps compared to standard curls. Additionally, this exercise engages the brachialis and brachioradialis, which are important secondary muscles that contribute to overall arm strength and size while also aiding in elbow flexion.

Top Mistakes

  • Not maintaining the correct position: Failing to keep your upper arms against the bench can shift focus away from the biceps and lead to injury.
  • Using excessive weight: Lifting too heavy often results in poor form and can place excessive strain on the wrists and elbows.
  • Inconsistent tempo: Rushing through the movement can limit muscle engagement and decrease the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Neglecting core stability: A weak core can lead to unnecessary arching of the back, which compromises your overall form.

Execution Tips

To perform the EZ barbell spider curl correctly, start by adjusting a bench to a slight incline and positioning yourself face-down, gripping the bar with an underhand grip. Your arms should hang down straight, fully extended, with your elbows resting securely on the bench. As you curl the bar towards your shoulders, ensure your upper arms remain stationary against the bench, maximizing the bicep contraction. Control your movements throughout the exercise; lift the weight explosively but lower it with a slow and controlled motion. This extended time under tension will enhance muscle growth. Lastly, keep your wrists straight to avoid strain and ensure the focus remains on the biceps.


The EZ barbell spider curl can effectively be integrated into an upper body or arm-specific workout routine. Aim for 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, which is ideal for hypertrophy. Pair this exercise with complementary movements such as the standard barbell curl or hammer curls to ensure balanced bicep development. Consider including tricep exercises, like skull crushers or overhead extensions, to maintain muscle equilibrium and prevent muscular imbalances.


The EZ barbell spider curl is an effective exercise for isolating and developing the biceps, contributing significantly to arm aesthetics and strength. By following proper execution techniques, avoiding common mistakes, and integrating it into a comprehensive workout routine, you can maximize your bicep growth and enhance your upper body development.

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