Conventional Sit Up

Muscles Involved

The conventional sit-up primarily targets the rectus abdominis, the prominent muscle responsible for the "six-pack" appearance. Additionally, it engages the hip flexors, including the iliopsoas muscle group, which assists in lifting the torso during the movement. Secondary muscles involved are the obliques, which contribute to stabilizing the body, and the rectus femoris in the quadriceps, aiding the hip flexion process.

Top Mistakes

  • Rounding the back: This can place unnecessary strain on the spine and lead to injury.
  • Pulling on the neck: Using the hands to yank the head forward can cause neck strain and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Inadequate range of motion: Only lifting partway up fails to fully engage the abdominal muscles.
  • Holding the breath: Not breathing properly can limit performance and lead to tension in the neck and shoulders.

Execution Tips

  • Start by lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.
  • Cross your arms over your chest or place your fingertips lightly behind your ears, ensuring not to pull on your neck.
  • Engage your core by tightening your abdominals before lifting your torso. Exhale as you lift, focusing on contracting the abs.
  • Aim to raise your torso until your elbows reach your knees, maintaining a straight back throughout the movement.
  • Lower your body back down slowly in a controlled motion, inhaling as you return to the starting position.


To effectively incorporate conventional sit-ups into a workout routine, consider performing 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. A good practice is to combine sit-ups with complementary exercises like planks, Russian twists, and leg raises for a comprehensive core workout. Schedule sit-ups as part of a full-body routine or focus specifically on core strengthening sessions at least two to three times a week.


The conventional sit-up is a classic exercise that not only builds strength in the abdominal region but also enhances overall core stability. By correctly targeting key muscle groups and avoiding common mistakes, individuals can maximize the effectiveness of this simple yet powerful movement, leading to improved posture, balance, and functional fitness.

Conventional Sit Up Workouts

Upper muscle gain

5 days
9 exercises per day


6 days
5 exercises per day

Day 3 workout

1 days
5 exercises per day


3 days
7 exercises per day

Lose it bucko

7 days
9 exercises per day


3 days
9 exercises per day

Starting Workout

3 days
5 exercises per day

Chest arm stomach

1 days
5 exercises per day

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