Close Grip Chin Up

Muscles Involved

The close grip chin up is an excellent upper body exercise that primarily targets the biceps brachii due to the narrow grip on the bar. This positioning not only engages the biceps but also activates the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles in the back. Additionally, the forearms and core muscles act to stabilize and assist during the movement, making this exercise a comprehensive upper body workout that enhances grip strength and overall stability.

Top Mistakes

  • Using Momentum: Swinging or using leg momentum to lift your body can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and increase the risk of injury.
  • Poor Shoulder Position: Allowing the shoulders to hunch or rise excessively during the movement can lead to strain and improper form.
  • Not Engaging the Core: Failing to engage the core can lead to an arched back and poor body alignment during the lift.

Execution Tips

  • Grip Width: Maintain a narrow grip on the bar, typically shoulder-width or narrower, to emphasize the biceps during the lift.
  • Controlled Movement: Start from a dead hang position with arms fully extended; pull your chin above the bar in a smooth, controlled manner.
  • Engage Your Core: Keep your core tight throughout the movement to maintain stability and prevent unwanted arching of the back.
  • Full Range of Motion: Make sure to lower yourself fully to maximize muscle engagement and prevent incomplete reps.


To effectively incorporate close grip chin ups into your workout routine, aim for 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions, depending on your fitness level. For beginners, using an assisted chin up machine or resistance bands can help build strength as you work towards unassisted reps. Complement this exercise with additional upper body movements such as pull-ups, dumbbell rows, and tricep dips to achieve a balanced upper body workout. Ensure you also allocate time for rest and recovery between sets to maintain performance.


The close grip chin up is an exceptional exercise for anyone looking to strengthen their biceps and upper back. By engaging multiple muscle groups and promoting functional strength, this exercise not only enhances muscle tone but also contributes to overall upper body endurance. Through consistent practice and attention to form, individuals can achieve significant improvements in strength and physique, making it a vital addition to any workout regimen.

Close Grip Chin Up Workouts


5 days
7 exercises per day


5 days
8 exercises per day

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