Cable Knee Crunch

Muscles Involved

The cable knee crunch primarily targets the rectus abdominis, which is the main muscle responsible for flexing the spine and providing core strength. Additionally, the exercise engages the obliques, which help with rotational movement and stability of the trunk. The hip flexors and lower back muscles are also activated as they assist in stabilizing the body during the crunch motion.

Top Mistakes

  • Not engaging the core: Failing to tighten the abdominal muscles can lead to poor form and ineffective results.
  • Pulling with the arms: Using the arms to pull the cable instead of focusing on the core can diminish the exercise's effectiveness.
  • Arching the back: Allowing the lower back to arch instead of maintaining a neutral spine can lead to injuries.
  • Fast repetitions: Performing the exercise too quickly can compromise form, preventing the engagement of the core muscles.

Execution Tips

  • Set the cable pulley to a low position and attach a rope handle. Stand facing away, gripping the rope with both hands.
  • Adjust your stance to ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart, and gauge a slight knee bend.
  • Engage your core before you begin the movement by tightening your abdominal muscles.
  • Pull the cable down towards your knees while simultaneously curling your torso forward, bringing your knees towards your chest.
  • Keep your movements controlled and avoid rounding your lower back; focus on using your abdominal muscles to complete the crunch.
  • Pause briefly at the top of the movement before slowly returning to the starting position, maintaining control throughout.


The cable knee crunch can be incorporated into a comprehensive workout routine aimed at building core strength. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions, ensuring to maintain proper form throughout. You can pair this exercise with complementary moves like planks, Russian twists, or leg raises to target different areas of the core. Consider including it in your ab-focused workout, along with a brief cardio session to maximize fat burning.


The cable knee crunch is a highly effective exercise for developing core strength and stability. By specifically targeting the rectus abdominis and obliques, it aids in achieving a well-defined midsection while enhancing overall functional fitness. Incorporating this exercise into your training routine not only promotes a stronger core but also supports better posture and athletic performance.

Cable Knee Crunch Workouts


4 days
7 exercises per day

Basic first

5 days
7 exercises per day


4 days
7 exercises per day

Zaza V1

4 days
5 exercises per day


4 days
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4 days
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