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NE10 mph

Simulate Bellmawr, United States

How is the weather in Bellmawr?

Currently, the weather in Bellmawr is (visible on right side of the screen) and feels like . The wind has a velocity of .

It is day or night in Bellmawr?

At this time in Bellmawr is . Weather conditions can range from clear and sunny to cloudy, rainy, snowy, or stormy. Now the condition is .

Where is located Bellmawr?

Bellmawr is located in United States with a latitude of 39.867613 and longitude of -75.094618.

Is it cloudy in Bellmawr?

The clouds have a percentage of . Clouds are visible masses of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere formed when air rises and cools.

How much humidity is in Bellmawr aer?

The humidity percentage is about . The humidity bar is a visual representation that displays the level of humidity in the air. It typically ranges from 0% to 100%, with 0% indicating very dry air and 100% indicating saturated, humid air.

What's the timezone of Bellmawr?

The timezone for Bellmawr, United States is . The timezone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes.

What's UV index of Bellmawr?

The UV index is out of 11, indicating how much exposure to harmful UV radiation exists. The UV Index provides a daily forecast of the expected intensity of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.

What's the datetime in Bellmawr?

The local datetime in Bellmawr is . The epoch time, also known as Unix time or POSIX time is .

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